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Free rental equipment (Harstad)

Borrow everything from snowshoes, seat pads, binoculars and fishing rods to maps and lift passes on the slalom slope - free of charge from Samskipnaden.

Free rental of hiking equipment to students

Samskipnaden Campus Harstad wants to contribute to the joy of hiking among the students by making it easy to get out in nature. We have invested in a large stock of equipment that students at UiT Norway's Arctic University can borrow - completely free of charge. We have entered into an agreement with BUA, which operates lending schemes throughout the country, and have entered our hiking equipment in their digital database so that students can more easily check what we have available and create a loan profile online. This allows us to cut out the deposit scheme we had before. The loan period for equipment is one week.

To borrow equipment you must:

  • Be a student affiliated with UIT Norway's Arctic University.
  • Create a loan profile with BUA and accept the loan terms.
  • Check availability of the equipment at (it is currently not possible to reserve equipment online with us)
  • Stop by Samskipnaden's office to borrow equipment. Feel free to make an appointment in advance at
  • Bring your student ID.
  • Remember to return equipment when the loan period is over.

Season pass in Sollia

We have seasonal tickets in Sollifjell alpine center (Sollia) which students can use for free with us. To reserve a card, send an email to with the desired date. For loans of cards this weekend, you have the card available Friday to Sunday. Once you have received confirmation from us that there is a free card, you go up to the ground, show your student ID upon registration and get a card there. Remember to return the card in Sollia before leaving the ground. In Sollia you get a 50% discount on equipment rental with the season ticket.

Our equipment stock consists of the following:

Snowshoes, walking sticks, seat pads, thermoses, gaiters, ice spikes, headlamps, barbecue sticks, maps and compasses, ice fishing sets, ice drills, reflective vests, fishing rods, binoculars, storm kitchens, coffee pots, plate sets, sled mats and various outdoor toys such as Kubb, badminton and Boccia.

We have ordered more equipment that will be registered continuously as it comes in from the supplier, and we are happy to receive input from the students on whether there are other things you want us to offer.

You can contact us here:

Samskipnaden, Havnegata 9, 9405 Harstad

Opening hours

Wednesday kl. 09:00 - 14:00
Thursday kl. 09:00 - 14:00
Friday kl. 09:00 - 14:00

Remember that you must create a loan profile at BUA before you can borrow equipment from Samskipnaden.

Updated 15.12.2022

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